Hyperton-X, first envisaged by Frank Mahoney, a Touch for Health practitioner, combined and dedicated his research to the mind/body connection and the body’s innate healing ability.
Hyperton-x is a specific branch of kinesiology which encompasses a universal approach yielding significant and profound advantages for a range of areas:
- learning disorders,
- athletic prowess,
- chronic pain management,
- emotional well-being, as well as
- sensitivity to colours and food.
This method draws its foundation from the principle explored in Applied Kinesiology, a discipline that perceives the body as having an inner biofeedback mechanism through muscle testing. This methodology empowers you to know the various conditions within your mind and body.
Primary Aim
The primary objective Hyperton-X is to elevate both physical and mental performance for your body. This is achieved by identifying and rectifying the hypertonic (over-protective) state prevalent in pivotal muscles. Pain, weakness and restricted range of motion can often be caused by:
- emotional stress,
- over-use,
- continuous repetitive use, or
- exertion of a group of muscles, such as
- sitting for long periods in front of a computer, and
- unexpected movement that is too quick.
Through this process, your deficiencies are addressed, and comprehensive energy systems that intersect with the mind-body connection are harmonised and integrated. Hyperton-X is used during a session to help bring balance and integrity back into muscles that are being treated.